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Mafra Editions e Jamila Mafra
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Depois de anos morando em Buenos Aires, Kamila finalmente volta para o Brasil e se estabelece novamente em Santos, onde atuará como atriz em uma companhia de teatro. É nesse local que ela reencontrará Ricky, seu amigo de longa data e agora seu companheiro de trabalho. Ele despertará em Kamila um sentimento que ela não conseguirá controlar. No entanto, a grande diferença de idade entre os dois e a intervenção de Catarine, atriz da mesma companhia, servirão de obstáculo para essa história de amor. Kamila também terá que lidar com a dúvida, a fama e as armadilhas do destino. O verdadeiro amor transpassa a idade e a experiência? Que fatores poderão abalar ou manter essa história?
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"Sense and Sensibility" by Jane Austen
Jane Austen
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"Sense and Sensibility" is a novel by Jane Austen that follows the lives of the Dashwood sisters, Elinor and Marianne, as they navigate the challenges of love and societal expectations in early 19th-century England. The novel explores the stark differences in the sisters' personalities and their respective approaches to life. Elinor, the older sister, embodies "sense" and is characterized by her rationality, prudence, and self-control. Marianne, the younger sister, represents "sensibility" and is characterized by her passionate and emotional nature. The story follows their romantic pursuits and how they handle love, heartbreak, and social norms. "Sense and Sensibility" is a novel that delves into themes of love, class, and personal virtue. It offers a nuanced portrayal of the challenges faced by women of the time and highlights the importance of finding a balance between reason and emotion. Like Austen's other works, it provides a satirical and insightful commentary on the social manners and customs of the Regency era in England.
"The Watsons" by Jane Austen
Jane Austen
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"The Watsons" is an unfinished novel by Jane Austen. It tells the story of Emma Watson, a young woman who has been raised by a wealthy aunt and is returning to her family after the aunt's death. Emma struggles to adapt to her new, less privileged life and navigate the social expectations of her time. The novel introduces various characters and potential suitors, including the kind and amiable Mr. Howard, who shows interest in Emma. However, due to the novel being unfinished, the story remains incomplete, and readers are left with open questions about Emma's future and her romantic choices. Despite its incomplete nature, "The Watsons" is still of interest to scholars and Austen enthusiasts as it provides insights into Austen's writing style and her exploration of social and class dynamics. It's a valuable glimpse into the author's creative process and her depiction of the challenges faced by young women in the early 19th century England.
"Sanditon" by Jane Austen
Jane Austen
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"Sanditon" is a novel by Jane Austen that was left unfinished at the time of her death in 1817. The novel centers around the character Charlotte Heywood, who is invited to the fictional seaside resort town of Sanditon. The story explores the social and economic transformations taking place in the early 19th century, as well as the interactions of various characters in this evolving society. Although the novel is incomplete, it still offers valuable insights into Austen's style and wit. Various adaptations and completions of "Sanditon" have been made by different authors to give the story a more conclusive ending or to expand upon the narrative. In 2019, a television adaptation of "Sanditon" was produced, offering a creative interpretation of how the story might have continued. The novel and its adaptations provide a glimpse into Austen's potential exploration of new themes and characters, even though it remains unfinished.
Persuasion by Jane Austen
Jane Austen
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"Persuasion" is a novel by Jane Austen, and it is often regarded as her final completed work. The story revolves around Anne Elliot, a woman in her late twenties who, eight years earlier, was persuaded to break off her engagement to the love of her life, Captain Frederick Wentworth, due to societal and familial pressures. The novel follows Anne's life as she navigates the consequences of her decision, including her family's financial struggles and her own feelings of regret and loss. Captain Wentworth reenters her life when he returns from the sea as a successful and eligible bachelor, causing Anne to confront her lingering love for him. "Persuasion" is a novel that explores themes of love, second chances, and the complexities of societal expectations. It is a mature and reflective work by Austen, delving into the idea of whether one should follow their heart or adhere to the judgments and opinions of others. Like her other novels, "Persuasion" offers keen insights into the nuances of human relationships and the social norms of early 19th-century England.
Northanger Abbey by Jane Austen
Jane Austen
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"Northanger Abbey" is a novel written by Jane Austen. It is a coming-of-age story that follows the adventures of Catherine Morland, a young, imaginative, and somewhat naive woman. Catherine is invited to stay with the Tilney family at their home, Northanger Abbey. As she explores the house and its surroundings, her overactive imagination leads her to believe that dark secrets and mysteries lurk within the old mansion. The novel is a satirical take on the Gothic novel genre popular during Austen's time, and it gently mocks the sensationalism and melodrama found in such novels. Through Catherine's experiences, the book explores themes of self-discovery, the contrast between reality and imagination, and the complexities of human relationships. "Northanger Abbey" is known for its wit and humor, and it offers a delightful glimpse into Austen's commentary on the social norms and conventions of the early 19th century, as well as her astute observations of human nature.
Mansfield Park by Jane Austen
Jane Austen
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"Mansfield Park" is a novel by Jane Austen. It tells the story of Fanny Price, a young girl from a poor family who is sent to live with her wealthy relatives at Mansfield Park. Fanny's journey unfolds as she navigates the complex world of her cousins and their social circle. She faces challenges, including social pressures, moral dilemmas, and the expectations of her adoptive family. The novel explores themes of social class, morality, and personal growth, as Fanny learns to assert herself and find her place in the world. As with Austen's other works, "Mansfield Park" is known for its keen social commentary and its portrayal of the manners and customs of early 19th-century England. It stands as a classic example of Austen's storytelling and her ability to examine the nuances of human relationships and society.
Manon Lescaut by Abbé Prévost
Abbé Prévost
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"Manon Lescaut" is a French novel written by Abbé Prévost. The story follows the passionate and tumultuous love affair between the title character, Manon Lescaut, and her lover, the young Chevalier des Grieux. Set in 18th-century France, the novel explores themes of love, desire, and societal constraints. Manon, a beautiful and captivating woman, is torn between her love for des Grieux and a life of luxury and material comforts. Their love story is marked by a series of ups and downs, including illicit affairs, betrayal, and personal sacrifices. "Manon Lescaut" is a classic work of French literature that delves into the complexities of human emotions and societal norms of the time. The novel has been adapted into various operas, ballets, and films, and it remains a significant part of the literary canon, known for its portrayal of a passionate and tragic love affair.
Love and Friendship by Jane Austen
Jane Austen
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"Love and Friendship" is a novella written by Jane Austen, originally titled "Love and Freindship" with "friendship" intentionally misspelled by Austen. The story is a satirical and humorous work that explores the misadventures of the protagonist, Laura, as she navigates the complexities of love and friendship. Through a series of letters, the novella humorously portrays the absurd and often farcical behavior of its characters in their pursuit of romantic and social ambitions. "Love and Friendship" is a witty and light-hearted commentary on the conventions and manners of the late 18th century, showcasing Austen's early literary style and her talent for social satire.
Guilherme e o Talismã em Eterna Felicidade (livro 02) (conto fantástico para crianças)
Mafra Editions e Jamila Mafra
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Em uma terra mágica chamada Eterna Felicidade, tudo era perfeito, até que uma reviravolta inesperada trouxe tristeza e desencanto. Dois jovens aventureiros, Irian e Guilherme, embarcam em uma jornada emocionante para resgatar a alegria. Com a ajuda de um misterioso talismã e enfrentando desafios desafiadores, eles buscam desfazer o encanto sombrio que ameaça sua terra. Em sua jornada, eles enfrentam perigosos piratas, descobrem segredos ocultos e aprendem valiosas lições sobre a importância da felicidade. Será que Irian e Guilherme conseguirão trazer a eterna felicidade de volta para sua terra? Esta história cativante é uma aventura encantadora que ensina às crianças sobre amizade, perseverança e a beleza da felicidade verdadeira.
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Mrs.Dalloway, por Virginia Wolf
Virginia Wolf
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"Mrs. Dalloway" é um romance icônico escrito por Virginia Woolf. A história se passa em um único dia na vida de Clarissa Dalloway, uma mulher da alta sociedade de Londres, enquanto ela se prepara para uma festa que irá dar à noite. O romance explora as complexidades da mente humana, alternando entre os pensamentos e memórias de Clarissa e outros personagens que ela encontra ao longo do dia. Virginia Woolf emprega uma técnica narrativa inovadora que mapeia as correntes de consciência dos personagens, mergulhando profundamente em suas vidas interiores. "Mrs. Dalloway" é um retrato profundo da sociedade, das questões de identidade e do impacto do tempo nas vidas das pessoas, sendo uma obra-prima do modernismo literário.
A Marca na Parede, por Virginia Wolf
Virginia Wolf
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"A Marca na Parede" é um conto escrito por Virginia Woolf. A história começa com a narradora contemplando uma marca na parede de seu quarto e refletindo sobre a natureza da realidade, da imaginação e da vida interior. Enquanto explora essa simples marca, a narradora mergulha em uma série de pensamentos filosóficos, explorando temas como a percepção, a mente humana e a natureza efêmera da existência. Este conto curto é um exemplo impressionante da prosa reflexiva e introspectiva de Virginia Woolf, que convida os leitores a questionar a realidade cotidiana e a profundidade de suas próprias experiências.
O Quarto de Jacó, por Virginia Wolf
Virginia Wolf
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"O Quarto de Jacob" é um romance escrito por Virginia Woolf. É uma obra literária modernista que explora a vida e as experiências de seu personagem titular, Jacob Flanders. O romance é conhecido por seu estilo narrativo experimental, pois apresenta uma representação fragmentada e impressionista da vida de Jacob, seus pensamentos e as pessoas que ele encontra. Ambientado no início do século XX, "O Quarto de Jacob" mergulha em temas de identidade, existência e na natureza efêmera do tempo. É uma exploração instigante do mundo interior de um personagem e do mundo ao seu redor.
"The Voyage Out", the debut novel written by Virginia Woolf
Virginia Woolf
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"The Voyage Out" is the debut novel written by Virginia Woolf, and it was first published in 1915. The novel is a precursor to Woolf's later, more experimental works and marks the beginning of her literary career. Set in the early 20th century, "The Voyage Out" tells the story of Rachel Vinrace, a young English woman who embarks on a sea voyage from London to South America with her aunt and uncle. During the voyage, Rachel encounters a diverse group of passengers, each with their own quirks and complexities. She also develops romantic feelings for Terence Hewet, one of her fellow travelers. The novel explores themes of self-discovery, coming of age, and the limitations placed on women in early 20th-century society. It also delves into the inner lives of its characters, providing insight into their thoughts and emotions. While "The Voyage Out" may not be as well-known as some of Woolf's later works, it is a significant literary achievement in its own right. It showcases Woolf's early storytelling skills and foreshadows the themes and narrative techniques that would become hallmarks of her later, more celebrated novels.
"Night and Day", a novel written by Virginia Woolf
Virginia Woolf
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"Night and Day" is a novel written by Virginia Woolf and first published in 1919. This novel represents an earlier stage in Woolf's writing career and is more traditional in terms of its narrative structure compared to her later, more experimental works. The story of "Night and Day" revolves around the lives of two central characters, Katherine Hilbery and Mary Datchet. Katherine is the granddaughter of a famous poet and is engaged to Ralph Denham, a poet and aspiring writer. Mary is a working-class woman who is involved in the suffrage movement and works as a secretary. The novel explores the contrasting lives and aspirations of these two women and their romantic entanglements. Woolf uses "Night and Day" to examine themes of love, marriage, women's roles in society, and the clash between traditional values and modernity. Unlike some of Woolf's later works, this novel follows a more conventional narrative style and is less experimental in its storytelling. While "Night and Day" may not be as well-known as some of Virginia Woolf's later and more groundbreaking works like "Mrs. Dalloway" or "To the Lighthouse," it is still a significant contribution to early 20th-century literature and provides insight into the changing social and gender dynamics of the time.
Jacob's Room, a novel written by Virginia Woolf
Virginia Woolf
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"Jacob's Room" is a novel written by Virginia Woolf and first published in 1922. The story is a pioneering example of Woolf's narrative style, characterized by its stream-of-consciousness technique and its exploration of the inner lives and thoughts of characters. The novel revolves around the life of Jacob Flanders, a young Englishman, but it doesn't follow a conventional plot structure. Instead, it presents a series of moments and impressions from Jacob's life, as well as the people he encounters. Through this fragmented narrative, readers gain insight into Jacob's evolving personality, his relationships, and the changing world around him, particularly in the context of the early 20th century. Woolf's prose is known for its poetic and introspective qualities, and "Jacob's Room" is no exception. It delves into themes of identity, transience, and the passage of time. The novel reflects the uncertainty and impermanence of human existence, making it a significant work in the modernist literary canon. "Jacob's Room" is a novel that challenges traditional storytelling conventions and invites readers to engage with its characters and themes on a deeper, more contemplative level. It remains a thought-provoking and influential work in the realm of modernist literature.
Miguel de Unamuno
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"Del Sentimiento Trágico de la Vida" es una obra escrita por Miguel de Unamuno y publicada por primera vez en 1912. En esta obra, Unamuno explora y examina las cuestiones fundamentales de la existencia humana y el dilema de la vida y la muerte. La obra se caracteriza por su estilo filosófico y ensayístico, en el que Unamuno aborda temas como la mortalidad, la fe, el sentido de la vida y la búsqueda de la inmortalidad. El autor argumenta que los seres humanos experimentan un "sentimiento trágico de la vida" debido a su conciencia de la finitud y la inevitabilidad de la muerte. Esta conciencia, según Unamuno, es lo que impulsa a las personas a buscar significado y trascendencia en sus vidas. Unamuno también discute la relación entre la razón y la fe, argumentando que la razón puede proporcionar respuestas racionales pero insatisfactorias a las preguntas fundamentales de la existencia, mientras que la fe representa una búsqueda apasionada de respuestas más allá de la razón. En "Del Sentimiento Trágico de la Vida," Unamuno ofrece una reflexión profunda y existencial sobre la condición humana, invitando a los lectores a cuestionar sus propias creencias y a enfrentar el dilema de la vida y la muerte de manera introspectiva.
Miguel de Unamuno
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"Abel Sánchez: Una Historia de Pasión" es una novela escrita por Miguel de Unamuno y publicada por primera vez en 1917. La historia está inspirada en la obra "Cain" de Lord Byron y se desarrolla en la ciudad española de Bilbao. La trama gira en torno a la compleja relación entre dos amigos de la infancia, Joaquín Monegro y Abel Sánchez. Joaquín es un joven talentoso y apuesto, mientras que Abel es un joven tímido y envidioso de la brillantez de Joaquín. A medida que crecen, Abel se obsesiona cada vez más con su amigo y su deseo de superarlo en todos los aspectos de la vida se convierte en una pasión destructiva. La narrativa se centra en la lucha de Abel por encontrar su identidad y su lugar en el mundo, mientras que la sombra de Joaquín lo persigue constantemente. La novela explora temas profundos como la envidia, la obsesión, la rivalidad y la búsqueda de la identidad. Unamuno utiliza una prosa rica y reflexiva para adentrarse en la psicología de los personajes, creando una historia intensa y emocional que examina los matices de las relaciones humanas y las complejidades de la pasión y la envidia. "Abel Sánchez: Una Historia de Pasión" es una obra literaria que sigue siendo relevante por su exploración de las emociones humanas y la naturaleza de la obsesión, y es una lectura recomendada para aquellos interesados en la psicología de los personajes y las dinámicas de las relaciones interpersonales.
"Verdad y Vida" por Miguel de Unamuno
Miguel de Unamuno
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Miguel de Unamuno (1864-1936), filósofo, novelista, dramaturgo y poeta, fue el intelectual más destacado de la Generación del 98, un año que marcó el quiebre definitivo del imperio español al perder sus últimas colonias. En sus obras, Unamuno muestra una constante preocupación por cuestiones existenciales y sostiene posiciones contradictorias sobre la actitud que España debe adoptar ante la modernidad europea. "Verdad y vida" (1908) es la continuación de su ensayo "Mi religión", donde formuló su famosa sentencia: "mi religión consiste en buscar la verdad en la vida y la vida en la verdad".
Ann Veronica, a novel by H.G. Wells
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"Ann Veronica" is a novel written by H.G. Wells, published in 1909. This work is considered one of Wells' early feminist novels and addresses themes of women's independence, societal expectations, and the struggle for self-determination. The story revolves around the character Ann Veronica Stanley, a young woman in her early twenties who rebels against the constraints of late Victorian society. Frustrated by the limitations placed on women in her time, she seeks a more meaningful and liberated life. Ann Veronica's journey takes her through various experiences, including her involvement in the suffragette movement, her pursuit of education and a career, and her romantic relationships. The novel explores Ann Veronica's quest for personal freedom and autonomy in a world that restricts women's choices. It delves into issues such as gender roles, sexual freedom, and societal expectations. As Ann Veronica challenges the norms of her society, she faces both support and opposition from those around her. H.G. Wells uses "Ann Veronica" to comment on the evolving role of women in society at the turn of the 20th century, and he portrays a complex and determined female protagonist who seeks to carve out her own path in a world dominated by traditional values. Overall, "Ann Veronica" remains a significant work in the history of feminist literature and is valued for its exploration of women's rights.
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